This is the second time I'm making no bake cheese cake and Afif still love it. He won't stop 'till he get enough. Hehehe.
Ini kedua kalinya bikin no bake cheese-cake dan Afif (15 tahun) suka banget. Dia nggak berhenti makan. Alhamdulillah.
So far, this is the most simply recipe I've ever knew. No need jelly powder, no big effort. The following recipe includes thick cream, cheese cream, biscuits, icing sugar, melted butter and all that topping you loved. All you need to do is beat the following ingredients, assembly them in the pan, put them in the fridge and enjoy! :D
Ini resep paling simple yang ada. Aku lihat di resep lain ada yang pakai jelly. Resep ini hanya terdiri dari krim, gula halus, krim keju, biskuit gandum, mentega leleh dan topping. Tinggal dikocok saja, susun di loyang, masukin kulkas dan makan! Hahaha.
And don't ask me about the original recipe was. I forgot. Shoot! But I believe i find it on Pinterest. Op perhaps on All Recipes. Oh well, I don't know.
Jangan tanya resep asli ada di mana. Sumpah saya lupa website-nya tapi saya ingat lihat resep ini dari Pinterest. Dan sejak itu diingat-ingat saja resepnya :)
- 250 ml cheese cream, room temperature
- 250 ml thick cream (heavy cream)
- 1/4 cups icing sugar
- 190 graham crackers or any other biscuit you like. Oreo done well too I guess
- 3 tbs unsalted butter, melted
- Any fruits jam you loved. Herseys Chocolate goes well too. I used chopped Snickers anyway.
- Put graham crackers or any other biscuit into small blender, process them until very fine crumbs form.
- Pour crumbs into a bowl. Add butter and stir until well combined.
- Press the crumb mixture into a pan and spreading it , press flat. Chill crust in freezer at least an hour.
- Meanwhile make the filling: Using an electric mixer set at medium-high speed, beat the cheese cream in a large bowl.
- Beat in the icing sugar a little at the time. Set a side.
- In other bowl, beat the thick cream until it fluffy and soft.
- Mix the thick cream and cheese cream, stir until well combined,
- Pour the filling into the crust, smooth the top with rubber spatula. Put your favorite topping. Cover it with plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm, 2 to 3 hours. This is the hardest part, WAITING! :D
- Remove the plastic wrap and enjoy your cheese cake
- 250 ml krim keju suhu ruang
- 250 ml krim cair dingin (baru keluar dari kulkas)
- 1/4 cup gula halus
- 190 gram biskuit gandum
- 3 sdm mentega cair
- Selai blueberyy, strawberry atau rasa apa saja favoritmu
- Selai cokelat Hersey pun enak
- Cacahan Snickers juga enak :D
Cara Membuat:
- Untuk membuat pie crust: hancurkan biskuit gandum menggunakan mikser. Tuang dalam mangkuk, masukkan mentega cair. Aduk rata.
- Ambil loyang pie, masukkan adonan pie crust ke dasar loyang. Ratakan dan tekan dengan lembut hingga menutupi seluruh permukaan loyang. Masukkan ke dalam kulkas minimal selama satu jam.
- Kocok krim keju dengan mikser kecepatan sedang hingga mengembang.
- Masukkan gula halus sedikit demi sedikit, terus kocok hingga tercampur rata. Sisihkan.
- Dalam mangkuk yang lain, kocok krim cair dingin hingga mengembang.
- Masukkan krim keju yang telah dikocok ke dalam krim cair yang sudah dikocok. Aduk rata.
- Tuang adonan isi ke dalam pie crust, ratakan. Tuang topping dan tutup dengan plastik cling.
- Simpan di dalam kulkas minimal dua jam. Ini bagian yang paling sulit: menunggu :D
- Cheese cake siap disantap.
- Selamat mencoba.
Hmmm, bahan - bahannya ga kenal semua :D, bahahahha temenin belanjanya yuk
BalasHapusSekalian traktir aku yaa :D