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Resep Grilled Sandwich Bersama Idealife

“It was the best grilled cheese sandwich I'd ever had—golden brown with a buttery taste, and the cheese all melted and gooey and oozing out the edges.”  ―  Peg Kehret,  Runaway Twin

Resep Bakpao Isi Ayam Kecap

Terkadang, makanan bukan sekadar lezat atau tidak lezat. Tapi soal kenangan akan seseorang.  - Dydie Kitchen Hero

Rahasia Resep Nasi Ayam Hainan Bersama MITO Digital Rice Cooker

"A simple act of kindness the size of rice grain can weigh as heavy as a mountain." - Feroz Bham Kebaikan sederhana sebesar sebutir nasi bisa sama beratnya dengan sebuah gunung.

Nori Chicken a la Dydie Kitchen Hero

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”  ―  Virginia Woolf,  A Room of One's Own

Tumis Daun Singkong Tabur Ebi

Daun singkong muda. Ebi. Cabe rawit. Cabe merah besar. Bawang putih. Bawang merah. Merica. Garam. Sedikit Gula. Itu saja bahannya. Yuk, pulang! :D

Lima Belas Tips Membuat Muffin Cokelat Buttermilk + Resep

My pants say yoga but my belly ask for muffin.