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6 Tips Menyiapkan Sarapan Sehat Tanpa Ribet

All hapiness depends on a leisurely breakfast - John Gunter Selamat pagi ^^ Sudah sarapankah hari ini? 

Mengadoni Impian Penuh Warna bersama Casio Colorful Calculators

Biru adalah satu-satunya warna yang bertahan dengan karakternya sendiri - Raoul Dafy

Lumbung Rasa : Kuliner Pedas ala Sunda

Nothing beat spicy and hot food, serving with love.


Happiness is knowing that there's a cake in the oven - Anymous

Asian BBQ Delight at Novotel Hotel Bandung

Sometime all we have to do is hanging out with besties  and do the chit chat.  And oh, eat a good food!

Kremesan Super Renyah (Tips & Trik)

Nasi putih pulen yang masih mengepul, ayam goreng gurih, sambel terasi dan kremesan renyah.  Baby, we're in heaven. 

Family Time di Grand Tjokro Bandung

Time spent with family is always worth every second.